Are We Heading Toward a Tsunami of Antimicrobial Resistance? by Tessa Lena for Mercola
- Health authorities and the World Economic Forum predict that millions of people will be dying from superbugs every year by 2050
- According to the WEF, antimicrobial resistance is a “looming health catastrophe that could be more deadly than COVID-19”
- They are calling for a new “subscription model” as a solution and a “political intervention to reconstruct the market and make the development, production of and marketing antibiotics profitable again”
- While there is no reason to believe the WEF on anything, antimicrobial resistance is on the rise due to overuse of antibiotics in medicine and agriculture, antibiotics into water supply, overuse of antibacterial household products, and weakened immunity due to stress and toxins
- Superbug infections are particularly alarming in hospital settings
This story is about antimicrobial resistance, a real and potentially serious medical issue, as well as a new scarecrow and cash cow of the pharmaceutical and biochemical industries and their investors.
Let’s Start With the Foundations
Human body is mysterious and amazing, made with wisdom and care. It is simply amazing how well we are designed to deal with natural dangers, and how many healing foods and medicines nature has for us when we need a lift in our defenses. As a species, all we have to do is to be humble, curious, balanced, and grateful, and to live in harmony with nature as opposed to try to fight it. So much love and beauty!
Sadly, there is an ongoing attack on our ability to live in harmony with nature. As it often goes, we tend to not think about those things early on due to constant brainwashing and manufactured distractions — but sooner or later, the laws of nature catch up to us, and many develop health issues — and then start on a journey of rediscovering the basic things about health and life.
Many people are forced to figure it out the hard way due to developing a chronic disease. Others, otherwise healthy, are very sensitive to environmental toxins, and their bodies react to pollution dramatically and immediately (and of course, those two conditions are often interrelated).
In a way, we, the modern people at the mercy of the Rockefeller food and medicine, are like innocent puppies in a lab. Our handlers feed us poisons in food, water, air, clothes, furniture, homes, drugs, and vaccines — and we take them because by default, we don’t expect such “surround” treachery.
But sooner or later, we start noticing problems, and we learn, and the abuse becomes apparent to our eyes. And once we learn, we try to warn others who are still oblivious to the poisoning process— and then they think we are crazy because they are still not at a point where they feel it or make the connection.
In a sense, living in today’s world is extremely confusing and abusive — but we don’t think about it as kids because this broken world of ours is the only world we know, it’s the world of our parents and grandparents, it’s the default — and we only start to think about it when our bodies react to abuse in a visible way.
We, the people of today, are born into a giant abusive experiment made from scraps of incredible beauty. And yes, we pay the price for the imbalance. But as we pay the price, as we walk the journey and rediscover the basics, as we cry and scream and wonder why we’ve duped so badly — we remember our souls at last, and then there is no stopping us. Once we remember our souls, there is no stopping us. There is no stopping us.
The World Economic Forum on Antimicrobial Resistance
What do our “masters” have to say about antimicrobial resistance? The World Economic Forum, for example, has a lot to say! They have pages and pages of search results on the topic.
According to this WEF article, tellingly titled, “This is how to fight antibiotic-resistant superbugs with a simple subscription payment model,” people are now dying from infections that had been previously treatable.
There’s not a peep by the WEF about the fact that superbugs are a prime demonstration of what happens when people get arrogant and start fighting nature without understanding all the intricate connections, while pursuing mainly profit. There’s not a peep about how the Rockefeller medicinemodel is outright toxic.
The WEF’s “solution” to the problem of antimicrobial resistance is of course to love pharma companies a little more, give them more money in a guaranteed manner, and that’ll solve it. In other words, it’s the “new normal” for us peasant — and business as usual for pharma, with more sass.
What I find alarming is that various WEF articles about antimicrobial resistance talk about how currently, there is “no market” for new antibiotics, and it’s a problem, and so we need to develop a market, and drum up the funding (taxpayer money, without a doubt), etc. etc.
It makes me think about that one time when Peter Daszak lamented that there was no perceived need for pan-influenza and pan-coronavirus vaccines — and then we got COVID! A quote from the WEF article:
“The solution requires political intervention to reconstruct the market and make the development, production of and marketing antibiotics profitable again. We need to change the way we value antibiotics — by paying for reliable and sustainable access to these lifesaving drugs.”
Notably, they say that millions of people may be dying from superbugs every year by 2050. That prediction is based on models. So just to be clear, they are touting this “prediction,” but they also have a lot of public and industry figures captured, and their predictions are a bit like business goals that are worked on by an impressive staff, consisting of world and industry leaders.
In that light, I find the prediction alarming, especially given that certain safe and effective medical products seem to mess with people’s immune systems, and that there is a war on natural immunityaltogether.
Plus, antimicrobial resistance is genuinely on the rise, and people innate immunity is on the overall decline due to a wide range of poisons, as well as lockdowns and other “health” measures, including mad spaying of antibacterial products on everything, to save us all from COVID. The use of antibacterial products and sanitizers from here to horizon can’t be good for us in the context of antimicrobial resistance, can it?
And here’s more from the WEF article called, “The looming health catastrophe that could be more deadly than COVID-19”:
“Superbugs. You’ve probably heard of them, but did you know they’re one of the biggest threats to global public health? Left unchecked, these drug-resistant bugs could kill millions of people every year with the damage to health potentially dwarfing that of COVID-19, according to the AMR action fund.”
“That makes antimicrobial resistance, or AMR, a top 10 global public health threat, according to the World Health Organization, which is raising awareness and promoting ways forward with World Antimicrobial Awareness Week.”
“Tackling resistance matters because the problem has the potential to spiral, with the AMR Action Fund estimating that deaths from antibiotic-resistant infections could rise to around 10 million a year by 2050, up from around 700,000 in 2019. And it could cost the global economy as much as $100 trillion between now and 2050.”

And here is a quote that reveals their thinking. And while in general, it makes sense that R&D requires funding, the comment about no current market makes it a little alarming, in the light of the general trends.